What’s the meaning of success

What’s the meaning of success?

If we have got a cumlaude and graduated from the college.

Is that called success?

If we have got some work with a high salary and prestigious company.

Is that called success?

If we have got married with someone prefect, beautiful or handsome, shalih or salihah. Everybody had admire to married him/her.

Is that called success?

If we are famous because of our achievement’s, we are some kind of socialist,  everybody know and respect for us.

Is that called success?

If we have a lot of money and we can buy everything in this world. Everything.

Is that called success?

We are a Muslim.

We have to know.

What’s the meaning of success for Muslim.

You can open surah

Al-mu’minuun 1-8

Mukmin yang khusuk dalam sholatnya.

In another ayah from surah al baqarah we had found

Sesungguhnya shalat itu berat bagi orang2 yg khusyuk.

That’s called success.

-inspired by listening nouman Ali khan

If there’s any fault from the sentences , please correct.

Hatur tengkyu

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